Saturday, August 16, 2008

The World's Oldest Profession...

I got an email today from a family member about the process of naming - and at one point it mentions that it could be called "the world's oldest profession."  I suppose Adam named before Eve fell in our misogynistic understanding of the beginning of the world.  So her assertion makes sense.  
However, my mental connection from that phrase to the act of prostitution remains firm.  She may have made a point about chronology, but society has entrenched that understanding further into my psyche than I care to admit.  

I'm sitting in Buffalo Wild Wings, yet again, utilizing their free wireless, an unused electrical outlet, and a booth, while Alexandra works on her Summer Bridge Book and we both snack on some appetizers.  I flat out told our waitress when our food came out so quickly that she wouldn't be getting rid of us as quickly, that we intended to use the internet for a little while at least.  My internet is down for the foreseeable future and so we spend an hour or two a day somewhere with internet access.  Lately, it's been BWW.  
I realized that my purchase of wings and a soda is tantamount to prostitution - I'm selling myself as a customer in order to use their wireless.  But then, isn't the restaurant doing the same thing, offering up their wireless in the hope that I will patronize their restaurant.  
I know people say that prostitution is the oldest form of capitalism... but I'm sitting here thinking that perhaps capitalism is just an extension of prostitution.  

Six of one, half a dozen of the other?

So if prostitution is evil and not to be condoned, how is it okay that we as a culture (I'm speaking here of America primarily - I don't think other places are quite as Gomorrah-esque as we are) promote capitalism as the American way and something to be embraced?

I'm watching Alexandra sit across the booth from me and eat her potato wedges with cheese and draw pictures of her family and glance up at the Olympics playing on the television behind me... and I'm so confused.  Am I a good mother because I tell her to chew with her mouth closed?  Am I a bad mother because in embracing capitalism, I'm modeling an acceptance of prostitution for her?  
She's healthy, she's working diligently on her math worksheet, and she just finished her milk.  

I guess I'm doing okay.

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