Monday, May 19, 2008

Thanks, Dad!

I was talking with a friend this evening about her fear of teaching American culture to international students through football. She worried that the students would be resistant - and that her lack of knowledge on the subject would make the class... interesting.

I suggested that she focus on Joe Montana's tight butt for the girls - that's what sparked my interest in football many years ago.

I then realized that my dad rocks.

Okay - he's not Joe Montana.

But he did expose me to a fair amount of sports as I grew up. I can follow and consider myself knowledgeable about baseball, football, basketball, hockey, soccer, golf, tennis...
There are, of course, sports that I was never really exposed to - I am clueless when it comes to cricket, for example - but on the whole, I'm not an idiot when ESPN comes on. I can watch a game and not need someone to explain to me what's going on (well, okay - and jai-alai - what's going on with that??).

I went golfing with three other women on Saturday - a first grade mom foursome in the St. Andrew's Golf Scramble fundraiser - and was the only one to understand the difference between the fairway and the green. I do understand football and can enjoy watching a game (beyond the quarterbacks' behinds!).
I will again bring up the fact that I won Keegan's NCAA tourney pool. (ROCK CHALK!)

So when I got off the phone with my friend, I called my dad and thanked him for imparting this knowledge to me. I can hang with the guys and talk sports and not confuse a touchdown with a homerun (apparently, some women do this?).

Then I realized that my own daughter doesn't know the difference between a basketball and a football - let alone the games!
I'm sad, I guess that I'm not teaching her to be as well rounded as my own parents did - but then, I'm only the mom. I may enjoy sporting events now and then, but I'm not an avid sports nut.
At least she's learning to be a really good shoe shopper!

1 comment:

Heather said...

hey there kylie! our dad's rock! not to worry my daughter is just does not know the differance of sports yet and we have been trying to teach her. one day it will just click!