Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Oops - I think I killed a rabbit...

I'm sure this post won't come as a surprise to most of you - even facebook's target ads have figured me out. However, since I've yet to make the announcement "official," I suppose I might as well now.
I'm finishing up month two of Kylie's pregnancy, take 2.
Realizations I've come to this time around:

1) I'm not entirely sure motherhood is worth the morning sickness. In nine weeks, I've lost almost 20 pounds - translation: I can't eat or drink without it revisiting me soon after. This has led to Kylie not eating much at all other than citrus. If I continue losing at this rate and continue being sick as long as I was when I was pregnant with Alex, I will lose around fifty pounds the first half of this pregnancy. Hell of a diet.

2) I'm in no way enamored with other pregnant women or babies. I'm pretty sure I was cooing over babies when I was pregnant with Alex - now babies trigger yet another bout of nausea.

3) Alexandra is going to be nine years old when this one is born. That also means that I'm going to be nine years older this go around. This may be a significant contributing factor to my lack of enthusiasm over babies.

4) I haven't changed a diaper in years. I guess I'm going to have to break my streak.

5) All this training I've spent to make Alex self sufficient so that I can sleep in on the weekend will be for naught. Damn.

6) I'm going to have issues with babyproofing and scrapbooking supplies.

Of course, I'm finding myself constantly preoccupied with baby names and stroller types - and I will begrudgingly admit that I grinned quite a bit when I heard the heartbeat on the first ultrasound. So, for now I will shrug my shoulders and attempt to remember the good parts of being pregnant.
The answers, by the way, to the requisite questions - I'm too nauseous to be excited, thanks; I don't know what it is yet, but yes, I will find out (I can't stand secrets or surprises); the due date is May 10 (first day of finals next semester - yeah, that'll be an adventure!).

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