Saturday, June 28, 2008

Taking a moment...

It's been quite a while since I blogged - I'd like to say it's because I've been so focused on my thesis but in reality, I'm not entirely sure why I haven't blogged.  

I had Alexandra and one of her friends the other day for a while and found myself getting short tempered with them quickly throughout the day.  That evening I took them to dinner with a friend of mine who does not have kids.  Through her eyes and ears, I discovered that these kids are really funny, great people.

There were so many funny things that came out of kids' mouths that evening (in a verbal sense only, thank goodness!) that I decided to change my tune towards them.

Every day since, I've made it a point to tell Alex what a great person she is - and I've made a conscious effort to enjoy her - rather than get frustrated with her.  

Sometimes it's so easy to expect perfection from her and get upset when she doesn't live up to those expectations.  But she's a kid - and she does what kids do - and that's perfect in its own way.  
She's seven years old and that's such a cool age - I don't want to look back in twenty years and just remember being stressed out at her; I want to remember the funny, smart, cool person she is!

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