Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Gas Makes Me Depressed...

I had to put some money in my gas tank today - a chore I've come to loathe.  I handed the clerk a twenty and told him to put it on pump six.  Then I walked back to the car to fill the tank.  I watched the money start to click away and my eyes and mind both wandered for the next $19.90 or so - until the pump stopped at $20.00.  I looked at the gauge under the money to see that I'd pumped a total of 5.57 gallons into my car.  My shoulders slumped and I got back into the driver's seat.  I turned the key and the fuel indicator didn't get up to the halfway mark (yes, I was at empty, I know).

I realized that when I first got this car, two years ago, it took less than $20 to fill my car.  To be on the safe side, that was how much I allotted for refueling on a regular basis.  Now it gets me 5.57 gallons.  

Perhaps the kicker of all of this is that when I pulled into the service station, only minutes before, I was thrilled to see the price of gas had gone down yet again.  I'm realizing, though, that until it gets down to $20 to fill my gas tank, I'm not going to get my spirits up about the gas prices again.

To stick it to the man, or at least the Huck's station down the road from the apartment, I'm using their wireless now, while not having just purchased anything from their store.  Booyah!

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