Monday, August 18, 2008

First Day of School, Fall 2008

There's something about the first day of school.  It's a high, really.  I slept a total of about three hours last night and was buzzing without coffee this morning.  Alexandra got up with minimal reluctance on her part.  She was at school and organizing her desk before the bell rang.  This is the child who is habitually late for school because she hates waking up - and who often has to spend her recess cleaning out her desk because it's so messy.
I had my first two linguistics classes and got myself registered for the semester.  I stopped at Starbucks to get a coffee and sit down and check my email - and I'm feeling like life is good.


Yesterday (or was it Saturday?) I was questioning my time in academe.  I was doubting this was the right path for myself.  Today, as I buzzed around the English and Linguistics departments, I was at home.  I'm sad, of course, that I no longer have an office.  I'm also a little put off by some of the new faces in my home department (English).  The fact that one of them wanted to trash the paper towel snow man that Alex and Krystal made for me didn't exactly make me warm to them.  Yet there's a new PhD student who is from Stanthorpe in Queensland and we had a nice chat.  I have been lamenting the fact that so many of my friends have moved on this summer - yet found so many happy and welcoming, familiar faces today that I questioned that sadness.  Of course, I miss those who have left, but I'm not left alone by any means.

I'm excited about my classes this semester, about finishing my thesis and defending in the next couple (few?) weeks, and about everything...

I'm signed up for helping with the book fair at Alex's school this year, her class's Christmas party, and Red Ribbon Week - and will attempt to limit the school things to that.  I will do one Brownie troop with her - but am going to try to make her only do one this year.  
Basically, I'm involving myself, but hopefully not over-involving.

Now if I could just find a job...

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