Saturday, February 13, 2010

Time is FLYING!!!

Happy Saturday - a week later!

I may have mentioned (because it's become a kind of running mantra for me) that I think it was a lot easier being pregnant nine years ago. I was nine years younger; I didn't have quite as many social commitments; I didn't have a third grader utterly dependent upon me as transportation to everything.

Of course, I also found out this week that I'm anemic (not a surprise, I was anemic when pregnant with Alexandra) - so that could be playing more than a small part in how exhausted I'm left feeling. Iron supplements with orange juice every morning is supposed to help. We'll see.

This coming Monday will be the start of the third trimester - and I can't help but wonder... how did I manage to get here already?? I have a list of things (well, in my head - I haven't actually written them down yet) that still need to be done in the remaining weeks. And I still need to make my way through those weeks with as little disruption to Alex's schedule (and my own!) as possible.

One of the things I realized today (probably the LEAST important) was that this blog's title isn't really going to work anymore - so I'll be moving my blog to a new URL soon. Since we're moving so soon after the baby is born, I'm not making him a nursery or anything - so this online renovation may have to satisfy those nesting urges. I'm hoping, though, that they'll also be put to work in packing up and purging through our belongings before the big move.

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