Tonight I cleaned out the guinea pig cage and gave both piggies a bath. I'm probably the most compulsive guinea pig bather in the world - but their lack of hygiene in their habitat makes me need to bathe them. So, the baby shampoo comes out, and they get a good washing...
I think they looked lovely by the time they'd finished drying, snuggled deep within a terry cloth towel burrow. They snuggled with me; they even snuggled with Alexandra (who cried because one of them moved and her hind claw touched her leg...). They were so sweet.

These are the girls after their bath and their cage cleaning... Gigi is the brown and white one on the left; Hermione is the black and white one on the right. You can't see her cool auburn eyepatch over her left eye in these pictures...
Anyway, so they were clean and I went into the bathroom after all of that and... the bathtub wasn't letting out its water. I grabbed a plunger and fought with the drain... to no avail.
I don't actually own a plumber's snake (not being a plumber and all...) but I tore apart a wire coat hanger and attempted to use it as a snake. For two hours I fought with that drain. I finally walked away, assuming it was just slow and it'd empty tonight and I'd call someone to fix it in the morning. I didn't think the university would appreciate, however, the plumbing emergency caused by guinea pig fur... After all, that could be the only cause of this, right?
I checked the tub later on, assuming the water would be gone by then - and to my dismay the level hadn't decreased at all. Egads! What was I going to do about my own shower in the morning?? I wasn't about to stand in dirty guinea pig water, after all! I grabbed the plunger and my makeshift snake and prepared to do battle again. I plunged and I plunged... and my hand banged into the toggle switch that closes the drain.
At least it didn't hit it too badly, though. After all, if the switch had been down, it would have been painful.
That was when I realized that at some point I had closed the drain. I flipped the switch down and the water all whirled away.
Over two hours trying to unblock a closed drain. One flick of the switch to let all the water out of the unblocked tub.
At least the guinea pigs are happy and clean!
1 comment:
About Hermione's eyepatch... the reason you can't see it over her left eye is because it's actually over her right. It's late.
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